Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Short History of Pretty Dresses

I think it is hard for women to find dresses that we really LOVE. There are always some issues -- whether it's not totally loving the color, or being afraid that our knees look fat, or whatever.

A week ago, here was my list of dresses I LOVED over my 28 years:
  • My Christmas dress when I was in kindergarten.
    It was red with little white bows printed on it. The skirt was poufy, so it was fun to spin around in. The best part was the little bell on the petticoat! I bounced all over in that dress.
  • My fifth grade graduation dress.
    Finding a dress for a 10-year-old that isn't babyish but also isn't cocktail attire is quite difficult. However, I had the coolest dress -- it was just barely off the shoulder with bright flowers. I just thought I was the prettiest girl ever, which is no small feat for a girl entering her awkward stage.
  • The dress I wore to my grandparents' 50th anniversary party.
    I was about 12 or 13, so again, this is a very awkward dressing age. Actually, it's an awkward everything age. My dress was long and flowered with puffed sleeves (inspiration was Anne of Green Gables, see the redhead below). I felt very grown up.
  • My high schoool graduation dress.
    At my high school we had to wear long white dresses (yes, I'm serious), which is no easy task. I think my dress was a bridesmaid dress that I got in white. I was probably one of the only girls who didn't despise her dress. I really felt gorgeous in it!

I just didn't think a wedding gown would make this very short, prestigious list, which is why I wanted to wear my graduation dress for my wedding.

However, I'm happy to announce . . . my wedding dress has moved to the top position! Yes, I sure have drunk the Wedding Kool-Aid in this regard!

1 comment:

  1. MOB here trying to post a comment. Have all the dresses so any daughters Kathleen and Matt may have can do all the twirling, bell-ringing, puff-sleave-wearing she did!
